British University developed real-time imaging multi-core fiber technology

Multi-core optical fiber (MCF) in the field of communications, fiber lasers and medical endoscopes and other fields began to receive more and more attention. Based on multi-core fiber optical imaging technology, it uses fiber bundles (each fiber as a discrete pixel to form the final pixel image), which is used in a minimally invasive way for research inside the human body. Recently, multi-core fiber-based high-power laser amplifiers and the next generation of lensless imaging technology for cancer diagnosis in the human body have increasingly become a research focus, which requires the measurement and control of multi-core optical fiber to issue the spatial distribution of light and Its real-time polarization state. This makes it possible to produce and manufacture a truly disposable, cost-effective and accurate endoscopic probe.

Researchers at the University of Aix Marseilles and Lille universities in France, working together with science and technology from the University of Rochester in New York, have proposed a new technique.

The proposed method is fast, simple and inexpensive, enabling the simultaneous measurement of the polarization of light that passes through a large number of cores in real time. Unlike existing technologies that require multiple steps or the complexity of large experiments, this technique measures through a simple optical window, technically known as Stress Engineering Optics (SEO), which encodes the polarization state of light Into the spatial shape of each core image.

This technology paves the way for people to control the polarization of light in multicore fibers, making it possible to achieve clinical structure and molecular imaging. Researchers will describe their findings at the Optical Frontier / Laser Science Conference, October 17-21, US time.

"This is a powerful and simple technique to study the evolution of the polarization of light within an optical fiber with limited camera speed limitations," said Miguel Athonso, an associate professor of optics at the University of Rochester and principal investigator of the study. "For the first time in our research, this technique, to our knowledge, provides the fastest measurement of the polarization state of light propagation of more than 100 individual cores in a multi-core fiber bundle, and this method allows us to describe How the state of polarization is more affected by the fiber, especially when the fiber is twisted or entwined, we find that the state of polarization of light in the light can be surprisingly manipulated. "

The ability to simultaneously measure the light polarization of multiple fiber sources opens up the possibility of creating feedback loops by controlling the state of polarization in many applications. For example, high-power laser amplifiers and those that rely on the fusion of multiple same-property laser beams to produce high-density, localized beams without lens imaging. Polarization is one of the key features for achieving high-intensity laser beam control. In addition, multi-core fiber-based endoscopes must bend and move in use in optical imaging applications. Real-time monitoring of the polarization state of each fiber will enable scientists to control and precisely focus the fiber laser beam for high-resolution images.

"The key concept in our experiments is that the polarization state of light can be transformed into an image of each individual fiber in the spatial shape," explains Alonso. The central converter is a stress-engineering optics (SEO), a cylindrical glazing with very different polarization characteristics.

In the experiment, a stress optics and a circular polarizer resemble a 3D film filter, placed between the fiber and the camera, just before the lens fiber is imaged. The stress optics encode the laser beam from each fiber for a particular spatial shape (called a point spread function), which is the state of polarization observed and recorded on the camera. With its unique spatial shape, researchers can introduce the original polarization state of the laser beam in each fiber.

In this study, the researchers applied both techniques to two types of multi-core fiber: polarization-maintaining multi-core fiber and a traditional bundle of 475 fiber cores.

"Light propagating through the fiber core, a polarization-maintaining multicore fiber, holds a specific polarization, which is like a case of a controlled experiment. The 475-core fiber represents an unknown state of polarization," Alonso said. Researchers demonstrated the ability of single-polarization techniques to characterize two different types of multicore fibers.

"The main advantage of this technology is its simplicity and efficiency," Alonso pointed out. "In addition, it only requires relatively inexpensive and static components that can be easily integrated into any imaging system."

The next step for researchers is to extend the real-time measurement to the control of the polarization state, which will enable applications in the measurement and coherent control of nanoscale photochromatic interactions.

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