Cadillac Serve Beijing Special Offer for 80,000 Motor Shows

Recently, Phoenix Motors learned from the 4S shop at Shanghai GM Cadillac World Bank in Beijing that the store is welcoming the Beijing International Automobile Exhibition to be held in April. It will launch a special car purchase program of “Exclusive Luxury and Delightful Benefits” during the event. The Cadillac SLS Seville 3.0 luxury model can be purchased for up to RMB 80,000. The specific price changes are detailed in the following table:
Cadillac SLS Saiwei latest price changes offer price list model manufacturers guide price (million) current price (million) discount rate (million) Cadillac SLS Saiwei 3.0 luxury 52.8 44.8 ↘ 8
In terms of maintenance, the Cadillac SLS Seville 3.0 luxury model enjoys a three-year or 100,000-kilometer warranty. Manufacturers recommend a maintenance cycle of 7,500 kilometers, small maintenance replacement oil filter and other costs about 1,000 yuan, large maintenance and replacement of oil and other three filter costs about 1800 yuan, the specific cost of in-store prices prevail.

Cadillac SLS Saiwei is a high-end product in the Cadillac brand. It has stable appearance, abundant power, warm and luxurious interior design, and a wheelbase of 3057mm to create a spacious and comfortable driving space. It also devotes itself to various technological configurations. Luxury is not lost to any opponent. At present, the preferential rate of 80,000 yuan in cash is relatively unprecedented. Friends who are interested in Sai Wei should grasp the opportunity.

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