Calculation of gypsum and anhydrite content in ore

1. The content of gypsum and anhydrite in the ore is generally calculated according to the formula of the formula of the equivalent law by the content of H 2 O + , SO 3 or CaO in the ore. However, H 2 O + , SO 3 or CaO in the ore is not only derived from gypsum, anhydrite, but also other minerals containing H 2 O + , SO 3 or CaO. Therefore, the mineral composition of the ore should be fully studied first, and accordingly Develop a reasonable calculation formula.

2. According to the gypsum and anhydrite deposits known in China, most ores contain a certain amount of dolomite and calcite , but contain no or very little other sulfate minerals. Therefore, under normal circumstances, according to H 2 O + and SO 3 content, calculate the content of gypsum and anhydrite in the ore, the calculation formula is as follows:

CaSO 4 · 2H 2 O% = 4.78H 2 O + %

CaSO 4 % = 1.7 (SO 3 % - 2.22H 2 O + %)

= 1.7SO 3 % - 3.78H 2 O + %

At this time, the basic analysis items should be determined as H 2 O + and SO 3 , respectively .

3. When the content of dolomite and calcite in the ore is less than 1%, the content of gypsum and anhydrite in the ore can also be calculated according to H 2 O + and CaO. The settlement formula is as follows:

CaSO 4 · 2H 2 O% = 4.78H 2 O + %

CaSO 4 % = 2.42 (CaO% - 1.56H 2 O + %)

= 2.42 CaO % - 3.78H 2 O + %

(CaSO 4 · 2H 2 O + CaSO 4 )% = 4.78H 2 O + % + 2.42 (CaO% - 1.56H 2 O + %)

= 2.42 CaO - H 2 O + %

At this point, the basic analysis project should be determined to be H 2 O + , CaO accordingly.

4. If the ore contains sulphate minerals such as lapis lazuli, glauberite or mirabilite , and carbonate minerals such as dolomite or calcite, if the content is greater than 1%, it should be from the total H 2 O + or all SO 3 of the ore. The total CaO is deducted from H 2 O + , SO 3 or CaO brought in by these minerals, and then the content of gypsum and anhydrite is calculated. When determining the calculation formula and the basic analysis project, it should be simplified and simplified, which can save the test and calculation workload, and can calculate the content of gypsum and anhydrite in the ore more closely.

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