[Chemical composition] Among the components, elements such as Mn, As, Sb, Ag, Au, Zn, In, Bi, Se, and Te may be mixed. In some cases, Mn is 3%, As is 15%, and Sb is 1%. When the formation temperature is higher than 200 ° C, the composition is compared with the ideal chemical formula, and S is insufficient, that is, (Cu + Fe) : S > 1. The higher the formation temperature, the more S is missing. When the formation temperature is lower than 200 ° C, the composition thereof is in agreement with the ideal chemical formula, that is, (Cu + Fe) : S = 1. [Crystal structure] tetragonal system; Figure L-6 Chalcopyrite crystal structure (quoted from Chen Wu, Ji Shouyuan, 1985) [Form] It is usually a dense block or a dispersed granular aggregate (Fig. L-7). Occasionally, cryptocrystalline kidney morphology occurs. Common crystals have a tetragonal tetrahedron and a quadrangular double cone, but single crystals are less common. Figure L-7 Chalcopyrite crystal aggregate [Physical properties] The color is copper yellow, but often with dark yellow or patchy ochre; streaks green and black; metallic luster; opaque. The cleavage is not developed. Hardness 3 to 4. The relative density is 4.1 to 4.3. Crisp. Can conduct electricity. [genesis and occurrence] Chalcopyrite has many types of genesis. (1) in the copper-nickel sulfide deposit magmatic rocks associated with the group, and pyrrhotite, pentlandite symbiosis. (2) In the contact metamorphic deposit, chalcopyrite is filled between skarn minerals such as garnet or diopside . (3) In the warmed liquid deposits, often chalcopyrite and pyrite, galena, molybdenite and calcite, quartz symbiosis. In the surface oxidation environment, chalcopyrite is easy to oxidize and decompose, and can form malachite and azurite. In the secondary enrichment zone of copper-bearing sulphide deposits, chalcopyrite is replaced by secondary porphyrite, chalcopyrite and copper blue. [identification characteristics] Chalcopyrite is similar to pyrite. But it can be distinguished by its yellower color and lower hardness. The difference with natural gold lies in the green and black streaks, which are brittle and soluble in nitric acid. [Main use] The main ore mineral of copper smelting. Plastic Safety Helmet, Clear plastic helmet,Plastic Costume Helmets,Plastic motorcycle helmet Yuyao Hongzhou Plastic Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.hongzhoumoulds.com ; a 0 = 0.524 nm, c 0 = 1.032 nm; Z = 4. Crystal structure derived structure sphalerite-type structure (Fig L-6), i.e., the unit cell similar to unit cells were stacked two sphalerite. Each metal ions (Cu 2+ and Fe 2+) are a position corresponding to the position of the sphalerite of Zn 2+, but the position is replaced by Zn 2+ and Cu 2+ and Fe 2+ ordered two ions The distribution is such that the symmetry is reduced from the equiaxed crystal system of the original sphalerite structure to the tetragonal system. Temperature remains disordered brass ore equiaxed sphalerite structure.
CuFeS 2