Chemical Compliance with POPs Convention

The third meeting of the State Coordination Committee for the Implementation of the Stockholm Convention was held in Beijing in mid-May. The Vice Minister of Environmental Protection, Zhang Lijun, stated that China will strengthen its compliance capacity building, focus on promoting demonstration work, and improve policies, regulations, and standards systems. In 2008, we will adopt the best possible technologies for the new sources of dioxin emissions in key industries, and lay the foundation for achieving the phased targets for the production, use, import and export of pesticide POPs (Permanent Organic Pollutants) before May 2009. The reporter learned that chemical companies are currently working hard to reduce and control POPs in accordance with the country's unified deployment, and use practical actions to contribute to the implementation of the Stockholm Convention.

An official from the Fujian Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau said in an interview with reporters that as one of the major chemical and agricultural countries in our country, the production, use, and discharge of chemicals including POPs are generally widespread and pollution continues to increase. At present, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, DDT, heptachlor, chlordane, mirex, toxamol, hexachlorobenzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and II Of the 12 regulated POPs, such as HIV and furan, China still produces and uses “DDT”, chlordane, and mirex, and it is international: it reserves the country with the most exemptions for production and use. Although China had stopped the large-scale production and use of “DDT”, PCBs, and phenolics as early as the 1980s, due to the constraints of economy, technology, ideas, and management, the above POPs wastes still exist widely. . On the other hand, China is currently the country with the highest emissions in the world. According to preliminary estimates, the scale and emissions of unintentionally produced dioxins caused by production in the chemical, metallurgical, waste incineration, cement, and papermaking industries are relatively large. At the same time, due to the limited level of monitoring and analysis costs, China's understanding of dioxin emissions and pollution levels is very limited. Therefore, China's compliance task is very arduous and has a long way to go.

The official said that although China has arduous tasks in fulfilling POPs, as a responsible country, we must work hard to implement the objectives of China's implementation of the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on POPs, that is, by 2008. : Emissions from key industries: new sources of dioxins adopt best available techniques and best environmental practices; elimination of the production, use and import and export of chlordane, mirex and “DDT” in 2009; We will improve the environmentally sound management system and disposal support system for POPs waste; in 2015, we will initially complete the management and disposal of environmentally sound POPs wastes that have been identified, and basically control the growth of dioxin emissions.

Fujian Sannong Co., Ltd. is the largest pesticide production enterprise in Fujian Province. According to Zhu Qinglong, former general manager of the company, the POPs Convention involves the pesticide industry. The pesticides of the 12 POPs controlled in the first batch account for 9 species, and they are the mainstream products of the pesticide industry. To successfully complete the compliance work, it is necessary to find alternative products and alternative technologies within the deadline. At present, the alternatives initially selected by the China Pesticide Industry Association include chlorpyrifos, fipronil, deltamethrin, etc. There are 8 preliminary selected production and processing companies.

Zhu Qinglong also pointed out that the human understanding of nature and life is gradual, for example, "DDT," once made a great contribution to humanity. The pesticides are effective in killing pests and repelling malaria-fed mosquitoes. If there is no “DDT,” humans may die of millions of people each year due to mosquito-borne malaria. However, because DDT is not easily degraded and enriched in animals, it affects the endocrine system of animals. With the advancement of science and technology, scientists have developed pyrethroids and other pesticides to replace "DDT" for mosquito and mosquito repellent. However, at present, some domestic POPs replacement technologies have high costs and the funds are difficult to reach, which affects the promotion and use of POPs alternative technologies to some extent. He suggested that the performance work should be combined with the structural adjustment of pesticide species. It is necessary to speed up the upgrading of products through compliance, but also to consider the actual rates of technology, capital, and environmental management in China, and to keep pace with the progress of China's national conditions. .

Zhu Qinglong believes that social progress and the survival of human beings are inseparable from chemical drugs, and that there are no completely harmless chemicals in the world. While implementing the POPs Convention, we should strengthen the regulation and legislation of the safety and use of chemical drugs. education. It is understood that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the implementation of the POPs Convention. By the end of 2006, the State banned the production and sale of five highly-acute pesticides such as methamidophos. In recent years, a large number of small chemical companies with serious pollution have been shut down; chemical companies related to POPs have been shut down. They have taken measures to do a good job of saving energy and reducing emissions and reducing the emission of POPs. Reefs have been identified as a demonstration province for reducing PCBs projects in Zhejiang Province. In recent years, PCBs management and disposal have been explored. At present, the province has initially identified more than 40 equipment storage sites containing PCBs and PCBs contaminated sites, and cleared 8 sites. Equipment storage points containing PCBs were constructed with an exemplary hazardous waste repository to control the generation and diffusion of PCBs. In addition, a “China PCBs Management and Disposal Demonstration Project” with a total investment of US$35 million is under construction in Zhejiang and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2009. It will explore the national planning for the promotion and disposal of PCBs in China.