China's High-end Petroleum Instruments First Exported to North America

According to the website of the SASAC, recently, a freighter carrying a CGDS near-bit geosteering device produced by the Beijing Petroleum Machinery Plant of the China Petroleum Group's Drilling Engineering Technology Research Institute has slowly sailed out of Tianjin Xingang to Canada. This is the first time that China's high-end equipment with independent intellectual property rights has been exported to North America.

CGDS near-bit geosteering drilling system, because the measuring point is only 2 meters away from the drill bit, can effectively increase the drilling rate, and is successfully applied in horizontal wells in China, especially in horizontal wells with thin oil layers. This export has created a precedent for the export of high-end oil drilling instruments in China.

Stainless Steel Precision Tube SANYOU

Stainless Steel Precision Tube SANYOU,Stainless Steel Precision Tube

Stainless Steel Precision Tube SANYOU,Stainless Steel Precision Tube