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The Luda 4-2 oilfield, along with LDB 5-2 and LTU 10-1, are both located in the central part of Liaodong Bay in the Bohai Sea and are adjacent to the Suizhong 36-1 Oilfield in the production field. The average water depth in the sea area is about 100. foot. The Luda 4-2 oilfield includes a wellhead platform, a submarine pipeline and two submarine cables. According to the plan, the Luda 4-2 oil field will reach peak production in 2006 and the oil field will produce more than 5,000 barrels per day. CNOOC is the operator of the oil field and owns 100% equity in the oil field. (Liang Yi)
CNOOC BHA 4-2 Oilfield Puts About 5,600 Barrels of Daily Production Oil
China National Offshore Oil Corporation announced on May 13 that the Luda 4-2 oil field in the Bohai Bay waters had been put into operation in advance. At present, there are seven wells in production, producing about 5,600 barrels of oil a day.