Creativity will launch 4G service in India

A senior person in charge of India today said: “The imaginative branch of the telecommunications branch will respond to the development of the ecosystem in India and will also launch 4G services in succession.” The operator has already recorded a record in the second quarter of its fiscal balance. Rs 10 billion in mobile data revenue. Ambrish, one of the principals of Genesis, told reporters: "As the development of the ecosystem, we are launching 4G services in India. The 4G service in India should be an early project. ”
In Kerala, southwestern India, the operator has acquired a 10 MHz continuous spectrum to ensure the best 4G experience. He added: "This will help download with unprecedented speed." Operators are committed to providing the next generation of mobile technology in India. Ambrish said: "We have acquired a large number of spectral bands through auctions in the past few years, which has enabled us to have more than 143 million users access mobile Internet services with their devices."

Hospital Medical airtight Sliding Door

The medical automatic door is a door that is generally installed in the operating room or the ICU ward for the medical staff to push in and out of the hospital bed. The medical automatic door has the function of inductive opening and safety anti-pinch. The medical staff only needs to extend the foot into the light control foot sensing box next to the entrance, and the door will automatically close.

After a period of time, the door will automatically close after the cart and medical staff have fully entered. If someone or a cart is next to the door leaf, the door will not close to provide a safe anti-pinch. In addition, the door frame of the medical automatic door is made of sealed profile, which has the characteristics of high air tightness; the light control foot sensing is adopted for the entrance and exit, so that the medical staff can open the door [without contact", which can effectively isolate the bacteria and personnel.

If you are interested in our products, please kindly contact us

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