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Similar to common wheat flour, the moisture content of glutinous wheat flour in the skin-grinding system is higher than that of the heart-grinding system. It can be seen that the run-in wheat causes the moisture to penetrate from the husk to the endosperm; however, the water content of the wolfberry wheat flour in the heart-grinding system is significantly lower than that of the common wheat flour. In the process of wheat renewal, the moisture penetration rate of glutinous wheat is lower than that of common wheat. This may be due to the fact that the structure of waxy wheat is denser than that of common wheat. The ash content of glutinous wheat flour is higher than that of the corresponding common wheat flour in the tanned mill system. However, the ash content of glutinous wheat flour is lower than that of the corresponding common wheat flour in the heart grinding system. It may be that the glutinous wheat cortex binds tightly to the endosperm, and the tanned wheat flour The higher content of bran stars results in higher ash content.
Through the measurement and analysis of a bulk density analyzer and other instruments, compared with ordinary wheat, the bulk quality of buckwheat flour is large and the grain is full and tidy. Compared with common wheat flour, glutinous wheat flour has high water absorption, high wet gluten content, low gluten index, and landing. The value is low; in the production of noodles, the addition of glutinous wheat flour can significantly enhance the palatability, smoothness and stickiness of noodles, and the optimal addition ratio is about 30%.
Determination of quality of waxy wheat by bulk density tester
The main characteristic of waxy wheat is high content of amylopectin, and amylopectin is different from amylose in gelatinization, swelling, gelation and crystallization. Due to its unique physicochemical properties, glutinous wheat has important application value in the fields of food, papermaking, textiles, medicine and so on. The experiment of glutinous wheat milling, determination of physicochemical characteristics of glutinous wheat flour, and the application of glutinous wheat flour in noodles were studied, aiming to provide a certain theoretical basis for the deep development and application of glutinous wheat. The bulk density tester plays a very important role in the determination of waxy wheat.