Effect of slurry concentration on flotation

The slurry concentration can affect the following technical and economic indicators:

(1) Affect the recovery rate. When the slurry concentration is small, the recovery rate is low. As the concentration of the slurry increases, the recovery rate also increases, but the recovery rate exceeds the limit. The main reason is that the concentration is too high, which destroys the aeration condition of the flotation machine.

(2) Affect the quality of concentrates. The general rule is that the quality of the concentrate is higher when flotation is carried out in a leaner slurry, while the quality of the concentrate is reduced when it is floated in a thicker slurry.

(3) affecting the consumption of pharmaceuticals. When the slurry is thicker, the amount of treatment per t ore is less, and when the concentration of the slurry is thinner, the amount of treatment per t ore is increased.

(4) Affect the production capacity of the flotation machine. As the concentration of the slurry increases, the production capacity of the flotation machine calculated according to the treatment amount also increases.

(5) Affecting water and electricity consumption. The thicker the pulp, the smaller the water and electricity consumption per t ore.

(6) When affecting flotation. When flotation complex process of pulp darker, flotation time increased slightly.

In short, when the concentration of the slurry is rich, it is beneficial to the flotation process. However, if the slurry and bubbles do not flow freely, the aeration will deteriorate, thereby reducing the quality and recovery. In this case, the various ore sections of the flotation should determine the appropriate concentration of the slurry according to the nature of the ore and relevant technical requirements.

After analysis by professional technicians, it was found that due to the influence of factors such as slurry concentration, dosage and particle size, the flotation process changed abruptly, resulting in abnormal foam layer thickness and foam scraping amount. It can show two extreme phenomena: one is that the surface of the ore falls, and the foam is not scratched at all; the other is a large amount of slurry and foam overflow, which is called “running”. The reason for the former case is that the fineness of the grinding is too coarse, the amount of treatment suddenly increases, the mass fraction of the flotation is too large, the amount of the foaming agent is insufficient, or the nature of the ore is changed. Measures such as adjusting the grinding and grading operation, reducing the amount of ore added water, appropriately increasing the amount of foaming agent, and adjusting the pharmaceutical system may be adopted. The latter case is caused by a decrease in the amount of treatment, a decrease in the flotation mass fraction, an increase in the amount of additional water, an increase in the amount of circulation, an increase in the flotation agent or an increase in the slime in the ore, and leakage of lubricating oil into the slurry. Treatment measures such as water volume, reduction of medium ore volume, reduction of drugs or withdrawal of drugs.

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