3 Jiang Xi Dean fluorite ore beneficiation plant in the plant in 1978 by Nanchang Nonferrous Metallurgy Design and Research Institute of Design, the design capacity of 250t / d. (2) Beneficiation process: The ore (or waste rock ore) is washed and classified by cylinder washing and grading sieve, and is divided into four grades of 50~25mm, 25~10mm, 10~3mm and 3~0mm. The 50~25mm grain size is selected by the artificial hand to obtain the coarse grain concentrate. The 25~10mm and 10~3mm grades are respectively sorted by the jig, and the coarse concentrate and the hand-selected coarse grain concentrate are combined and sold directly; 3~ The 0mm grain size is separated from the hand-selected and jig after sedimentation, and the coarse concentrate and the hand-selected coarse-grain concentrate are combined and sold directly; the 3~0mm grain size is delimed after sedimentation and hand-selected and jigging The tailings merge and enter the grinding classification. The graded overflow passes through a rough selection, a sweeping selection, and after six selections, the final final concentrate is obtained, and the tailings are sent to the tailings dam for storage. Its ore dressing characteristics are that the original ore is ground once, and the high-quality fluorite concentrate can be obtained with a content of -0.074mm of 60%. The process flow is shown in Figure 6. Table 16 of the mineral processing index, the unit consumption index is shown in Table 17, and the main equipment is shown in Table 18. Semi-Automatic Aerosol Filling Machines Semi-Automatic Aerosol Filling Machines,Automatic High Capacity Capsule Filling Machine,Capsule Filling Machine,New Bag On Valve Aerosol Filling MachineSemi-Automatic Aerosol Filling Machines,Automatic High Capacity Capsule Filling Machine,Capsule Filling Jinhu Fuda Machinery Co.,Ltd , https://www.efuda.com
(1) Ore characteristics: The raw ore processed by the plant is a hydrothermal metasomatism and a hydrothermal filling carbonate-silicate type fluorite deposit. The fluorite grains in the hydrothermal metamorphic fluorite are fine, purple, light purple, colorless octahedron and rhombohedral dodecahedral polymorphic crystal, and the gangue mineral or surrounding rock is mainly composed of strips. The structure of the disseminated is auxiliary, the CaF 2 content of this ore is generally below 65%; the hydrothermal filled fluorite is mainly produced in the fracture zone and the broken siliconized surrounding rock, which is pure fluorite vein, quartz fluorite vein and Carbonate rock fluorite veins such as calcite are produced in several forms. Its fluorite particles are coarse, and the color is light green, light yellow green, pink, colorless and mixed with the above colors. The color is extremely bright, octagonal polycrystalline, semi-self-crystal. The crystal can be up to a dozen centimeters, and it is more common with purple octahedral polycrystals.
The ore is composed of fluorite, quartz, calcite, and a small amount of metal sulfide. The structure is strip-shaped, disseminated, massive, scalloped, breccia, reticular, and the like.
The fluorite single mineral contains CaF 2 of 98.44~99.98%, and the average grade of ore CaF 2 is 38.3%. Separation under heavy liquid (density 2.9), the single crystal of 5~1mm grain size is 92.65~97.89%, and the content of CaF 2 of concentrate grade is 97.02~97.12%. The multi-element analysis and particle size analysis of the ore are shown in Table 14 and Table 15.