German machinery and equipment manufacturing grows 14% in 2011

Introduction: German machinery and equipment manufacturing industry successfully overcame the biggest economic crisis after the war. In 2010, the industry’s sales increased by 8% compared to 2009.

The German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Confederation (VDMA) predicts that the industry will achieve a growth rate of 14% in 2011. The growth momentum is mainly due to the cooperation between companies, associations and governments, which was also reflected during the economic crisis. After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the machinery manufacturing industry experienced a 25% decline in production. However, since the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry requires a large number of professional and technical personnel, the employment population has only decreased by 3.4%, and it can therefore recover quickly from the economic crisis.

In terms of development momentum, first of all, exports are an important engine for the growth of machinery and equipment manufacturing. In 2010, the growth rate of orders from foreign countries was much higher than that of domestic markets, and the demand for emerging markets such as Asia and South America grew particularly rapidly. Currently, the capacity utilization rate of the industry is maintained at around 88.8%, exceeding the normal level of 85%.

In terms of development trend, the development situation in different branches is different: In the 32 professional branches of machinery and equipment manufacturing, the sales of metallurgical rolling equipment, power systems, electrical automation equipment, and mining equipment have reached 2006 again. -The high level in 2008, but in the field of construction machinery, building materials equipment and printing and papermaking technology, its sales still have some gaps from previous years.


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