Heavy duty ball screw pair has been successfully developed recently

After the efforts of the scientific and technical personnel of the Rolling Functional Components Research Center of Hanjiang Machine Tool Co., Ltd., the heavy-duty ball screw pair, which was listed as one of the company's 17 key projects in 2006, has been successfully developed. The first batch of trial products have passed the user acceptance and installation. The box is shipped.

The successfully developed GR100×60/2×4200×4650 heavy-duty ball screw pair has four maximums in the domestic double-headed ball screw pair: the largest diameter, the largest lead, the largest pitch, and the steel ball. The largest diameter (15.081mm). The completion of this project has accumulated experience for Hanji to accelerate the development of the rolling functional component industry.

Upholstery Jacquard Fabric Machine

All the electronic jacquard looms under upholstery jacquard fabric machine classification could weave various of patterns on upholstery fabric stably and sufficiently. These jacquard looms are applicable to various of textile weaving looms, such as rapier loom, air jet loom, water jet loom, shuttle loom, projectile loom with any reed width. These digital jacquard machines are compatible with most brand of textile weaving machinery, just like just like ITEMA, SOMET, SMIT, PICANOL, DONIER, RIFA, TOYOTA, TSUDAKMOA etc.

Upholstery Jacquard Fabric Machine,Jacquard Loom Fabric,Mini Jacquard Loom,Modern Jacquard Loom