how can I know 52 cards in 0.3 second

How can people know 52 cards in 0.3 second, is it an impossible event happen in the world? According to the normal think and common sense, nobody think it is true. But now , we have to tell you, it is true, everyone want to know 52 cards in 0.3 second. Only if the person contact guangzhou XF poker cheat Co.,Ltd. Then the magic world will show to them. Guangzhou XF company has two kinds of marked cards (one is paper marked cards, one is plastic marked cards), however, no matter which material it is. Now, we will explain how does the device marked cards work with the other equipment. After shuffle XF marked cards, there is a few seconds can use to scan marked cards by infrared camera, poker analyzer will receive the signal from Infrared camera, then user can receive the poker game result through the earpiece from the poker device. This process will finish within 0.3 seconds. XF brand IR camera (Watch lens, mobile lens, phone charger lens) which can scan the xf marked playing cards. There are many models can fix hidden camera (Samsung mobile hidden lens, Nokia infrared camera, Plastic lighter IR camera) inside, but now only single hidden camera or double hidden cameras launched to the international market, because these items which can be a IR camera (chiptray lens , lighter lens ) are the normal products with the limit space, and xf company will let the model has the normal appearance will not arouse suspicion , so single and double hidden lens is the normal choice for all the clever player want to be the winner in all kinds of poker games. xf brand poker device , it is an analyzer which can tell the user of the games result which the user playing , it is very useful and can work with any kinds of cards games or Chinese Paigow, Chinese Mahjong......, due to this device will face to worldwide market , so there are many names , like poker analyzer , poke smoothsayer, poker device ...... http:// Tel:+8613926243807,skype:xfsales7,whatsapp/wei chat:+8613926243807

Now , we will tell how can people know 52 cards in 0.3 second with XF poker cheat device . First , we need to have one of marked cards; second, we need to have XF hidden lens / IR camera / Infrared camera (Samsung mobile hidden lens, Nokia infrared camera, Plastic lighter IR camera, Watch lens, mobile lens, phone charger lens,chiptray lens , lighter lens);third, XF poker analyzer (poke smoothsayer, poker device). The user just need to turn on the hidden lens , and make sure the range of this infrared camera , put the marked cards in the suitable position within the hidden lens range , then the IR camera can scan the cards and send the signal to poker analyzer , before knowing the 52 cards , the user need to confirm which game code input with the poker device , because each game has their each playing method. http:// Tel:+8613926243807,skype:xfsales7,whatsapp/wei chat:+8613926243807

After knowing so many knowledge of poker cheat , how can we find this poker cheat device , the first step for you to choose the poker cheat device, you can use some keyword to search in the Internet, they you will find there is a big world for any kinds of poker cheat, Otherwise, you can click into this following websites of xf poker cheat Co.,Ltd to know more detail about all knids of poker cheat device. If you have any interested of the item, one, you can leave your message or contact methods on the website; two, you can add the contact account to contact the salesman for your interested item. http:// Tel:+8613926243807,skype:xfsales7,whatsapp/wei chat:+8613926243807

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Стрит-флеш - стрит полностью одноймасти.

Четыре на рода (каре) - четыре картыодного ранга.

Полный дом (полная лодка, катер) -три вида и парой. В приведенномниже примере будет называться «Queensнад тузов» или «Queens полный тузов».

Флеш - пять карт одной масти.

Прямой (Run) - пять картпоследовательного ранга. Обратите внимание, что в Холдем, тузы можетбыть высокой или низкой.

Три а ранга (поездки, набор,Тройняшки) - три карты одногоранга.

Две пары - две карты одного ранга идве карты одного ранга. Вприведенном ниже примере будетназываться «Валеты и двойки».

Одна пара - две карты одного ранга.

Старшая карта - когда вы не имеетелюбой из выше, старшая картаопределяет вашу руку. Вприведенном ниже примере будет«Король высокий» или «Старшая картакороль».http:// тел: +8613926243807, skype: xfsales7, чата whatsapp/Вэй:+8613926243807

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