Introduced 35,500 tons of screw presses to put into production, forgeable nuclear power ultra-large blades

The 35,500-ton high-energy screw press introduced by Shanghai Electric Group Wuxi Turbine Blade Co., Ltd. (WTB) has been put into operation smoothly. More than 100 energy and aviation industry experts witnessed the 35,500-ton screw press replacing three pairs of molds in three hours to perfectly complete the forging process of three highly difficult products: disk, sheet and frame. This indicates that WTB has taken another step toward world-class large blades and aviation forgings manufacturers, which means that China's capacity in the power plant blade manufacturing field will be further enhanced.

Significant improvement in forging production capacity It is understood that the 35,500-ton high-energy screw press is one of the world's most advanced and largest two-screw presses so far, capable of forming metal products with a tremendous impact in short-term contact with the workpiece. With a maximum strike force of 35,500 tons, the process combines the advantages of both forging hammers and hydraulic presses. It is ideal for power plant long blades and high-performance special steel, titanium and nickel-based superalloy structural products for aircraft and aircraft engines. .

Experts said that compared with traditional screw presses, the new clutch used in this equipment not only increased the forming energy of the press significantly, but also reduced the energy consumption by about 87%. It is a truly effective high-energy equipment. The impact speed of this press is adjustable between 0.25-0.5 m/s, the forging stroke is controllable, and the striking energy is variable; compared with the previous presses and hammers, it can produce better metallurgical quality and more uniform structure and performance. Larger, more accurate, large-size forgings. The equipment is equipped with 3,150 tons of free-forging presses, 8 meters of natural gas rotary hearth furnaces and several large-capacity electric furnaces. It can flexibly meet the growing needs in the fields of nuclear power, gas turbines, aviation, aerospace and military.

Yan Qi, General Manager of WTB, stated that because of strategic considerations in the expansion of nuclear power and aviation military forgings, WTB began to plan the construction of 30,000-ton screw presses to meet the market demand for nuclear power blades and aviation forgings. Huang Dinan, president of Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation, believes that the introduction of this press is an important milestone for WTB to become a world-class factory, as well as an engine that will ignite sustainable development and create a world-class brand. At the same time, it will also be used in China's aviation forging and power equipment industries. The development has a significant significance.

Satisfy the Need for Production of Nuclear Power Blades Zhang Jin, the secretary-general of the China Forging Association, stated that China is already a world forging power, but it is not a forging power. China must become a strong player in the world's forging industry. Importing advanced equipment from abroad may be necessary, but introduction is just a means. To innovate on the basis of introduction-digestion-absorption, research and development of equipment with Chinese independent brands should be our goal.

It is understood that the introduction of 35,500 tons of high-energy screw presses is the core of WTB's implementation of the "Strategic Expansion Project," and it is also an important deployment of WTB's strategic transformation. As a professional power plant blade manufacturing enterprise with more than 30 years of industrial practice, WTB has been based on the response to the strategic development of the national energy and aviation industry since 2006. Through in-depth analysis and research on power station equipment and aviation forging industry, WTB has To expand strategic considerations in nuclear power and aviation military forgings, WTB has adopted nuclear power island island blades, gas turbine blades, clean and high-efficiency thermal power plant blades, and aviation military components as the key development areas for high-tech industrialization. Started to plan the construction of 30,000-ton screw presses to meet the market demand for ultra-large nuclear power blades and aviation forgings; in addition to the “specialized blade manufacturing”, it will focus on the development of “forging industry-led forging and specialized manufacturing” capabilities. Forming a new model of two specializations for common development and building the manufacturing capabilities of key components and core components that focus on advanced and major equipment forms an indispensable core advantage in power plant blades and aviation forging industries.

It is under the guidance of this strategic idea that since 2007, WTB has organized strategic development and key equipment selection expert consultations attended by power plant and aviation industry experts, and conducted numerous research and development activities for forging technology, with more than More than 60 scholars and experts from 30 organizations participated in the project to help WTB constantly optimize and improve the strategic development planning program. The key equipment finally selected the SPK22400 new clutch type screw press of German SMS Meer Company and the corresponding auxiliary ancillary equipment, and in 2008 In August, the contract was officially signed.

It is understood that the 35,500-ton high-energy screw press includes a base with a total weight of 5800 tons, of which the maximum weight of single parts is 340 tons, and there are nearly 10 single-piece parts weighing more than 100 tons. Nearly 100 people from SMS Meer's experts, WTB project team and related personnel, and installers of China Five Construction Co., Ltd. participated in the equipment engineering construction project. From October 8, 2010, the first batch of parts and components of the press came into the market, and by May 31, 2011, Daily test forging products lasted 236 days. After the construction of the press, large parts of the equipment are transported, hoisted, 307 tons of heavy benches, 345 tons of heavy beams and other large parts of the precision lifting in place, 590 tons of flywheel clutch assembly, electrical systems, hydraulic system debugging and other key nodes; The installation solved the technical problems of the special tool manufacturing, the 345 ton heavy beam turning over, the installation of the entire frame, and the loading of pre-stressed laser measurement. From the 31st of May, trial-wrought products to official production, it took only 10 days. In 10 days, WTB engineers and forging workers have overcome various difficulties and have completed the process development and trial production of multiple products on the press. .

It is expected that forging and other basic technologies will improve the forging industry that consists of forging, stamping, and sheet metal industries. It is the basis of equipment manufacturing. Formed parts and components are widely used in electric power, petrochemical, and other industries. They are the main bearing structural components or sub-components of mechanical equipment. Force structures play a decisive role in the quality and safety of the final host.

According to reports, in the energy sector, the inability to produce parts of large-scale equipment at home is to some extent limited by the level of forging technology. Therefore, we must fundamentally improve our country's ability to develop energy equipment. Forging and pressing as a basic technology must be improved.

At present, the gap between the domestic forging industry and foreign countries is mainly reflected in the lack of refined manufacturing, low labor productivity, and short mold life.

Some experts told the reporter that forging production in China has long been in an extensive state, with high energy consumption, low material utilization, and severe environmental impact. At present, in order to adapt to the direction of sustainable development, higher precision molding technology has been put forward, rapid development of a large number of high-quality, efficient, energy-saving, labor-saving plastic forming new technology, to achieve the industry's dream of "net shape" is the goal The main direction of development.

At present, the forging industry should use existing conditions to do important work such as technology development, product improvement, and talent introduction. We must give full play to existing resource advantages and promote spontaneous mergers and reorganizations within the industry to achieve strong alliances; forging companies should establish as close as possible strategic partnerships with OEMs. At the same time, we must further strengthen the cooperation between enterprises and research institutes. Only in this way can we improve the overall technical level of China's forging industry and provide better services for the equipment manufacturing industry.

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