Iron analysis phase (phase analysis) i.e. the respective state of the components present in the material, shape, valence determination analytical methods. Methods using physical principles include specific gravity method, magnetic separation method, and X-ray structural analysis method. Alternatively, different solvents may be used to selectively separate the various phases of the material and its components, and then the composition or structure may be determined by physical or chemical analysis. In addition, there are valence analysis. Crystallization basic component analysis and crystalline structure analysis are all phase analysis. Phase analysis is mainly used in metal alloy, rocks, minerals and their processed products and the like. In iron ore, iron is mainly present in the form of oxides (hematite, magnetite, and specular iron ore), hydroxides (limonite and goethite), and carbonates (siderite). Sulfur minerals (pyrite and pyrrhotite) are sometimes associated. Its gangue minerals are more common with silicates. Although the phase analysis of iron ore is studied, it is not systematic and perfect, and most of the analysis process is developed in a specific mining area. Therefore, the method described in this section should be based on the characteristics of the mining area, combined with the needs of rock identification and geological needs, for specific analysis and application. The general analysis process used is: 4.1 Determination of magnetic iron (magnetite, pyrrhotite): Weigh 0.5 to 1 gram of sample, place it in a 400 ml beaker, add 50 to 60 ml of water, and use a strip magnet with a copper sleeve in the beaker. Move back and forth. The magnetic mineral adsorbed on the magnet was transferred to another beaker, the copper sleeve was removed, and the magnetic mineral on the copper sleeve was rinsed with water in a beaker. Repeat until the magnetic minerals in the sample are all cleaned. Magnetic separation was then carried out in a second beaker containing magnetic minerals, and the magnetic mineral was transferred to the third beaker until all the magnetic minerals in the second beaker were selected. Combine the non-magnetic minerals in the first and second beakers. The third magnetic minerals in a beaker, heated and concentrated to a small volume, plus 15 ml of hydrochloric acid at a low temperature decomposition of the sample, after reduction with stannous chloride, chromium potassium capacity to re-determination of iron. 4.2 Determination of siderite: The non-magnetic part of the sample was transferred to a 250 ml beaker and 100 ml of 2N acetic acid was added. Dip on the water bath for 1 to 2 hours, remove with a glass rod, stir and filter. Wash 6 to 7 times with water, add 5 ml of 1:1 sulfuric acid to the filtrate, and evaporate to sulfuric acid on a hot plate. A few drops of hydrogen peroxide were added dropwise to remove the organic matter, and 10 ml of hydrochloric acid was added thereto, and the mixture was heated at a low temperature until the salts were dissolved. Reduction with stannous chloride and determination of iron by potassium dichromate volumetric method. 4.3 Determination of hematite and limonite: The residue of the leached siderite was transferred to the original beaker, and 100 ml of 4N hydrochloric acid containing 3 g of stannous chloride was added. Dip on a water bath for 1 to 2 hours, stir frequently with a glass rod, remove, and filter. Washed with 5% hydrochloric acid solution 6 to 7 times, the filtrate was concentrated to about 50 ml, washed with 10% solution of potassium permanganate oxidation to appear pink. Excessive permanganate is destroyed by boiling, and the oxidized iron is then reduced with stannous chloride, and the iron is determined by the potassium dichromate volumetric method. 4.4 Determination of iron sulfide: The insoluble residue after hematite and limonite is leached and placed in a porcelain crucible for ashing. The precipitate was transferred to the original beaker, and 15 ml of aqua regia was added, and the sample was completely decomposed by heating. The filtration was removed and the filtrate was taken up in a 100 ml volumetric flask. A part of the solution was taken and iron was determined by sulfosalicylic acid colorimetry. 4.5 Determination of iron silicate: The insoluble residue after leaching of iron sulfide is placed in the corundum crucible together with the filter paper. After ashing, sodium peroxide was added, melted at 700 °, and cooled. Dip with water and acidify with hydrochloric acid. Reduction with stannous chloride and determination of iron by potassium dichromate volumetric method. 4.6 Determination of ferric sulphate: Ferric sulphate sometimes appears in the oxidized zone of sulfide deposits, often in the form of FeSO4•7H2O. This mineral is very unstable and oxidizes in the air and loses water to form a salt-based ferric sulfate. Iron sulphate is very soluble in water. Usually, the sample is dissolved in water containing only a few drops of dilute sulfuric acid. After filtration, the filtrate is subjected to iron determination to determine the iron content in the ferric sulfate. 4.7 Determination of metallic iron: Metal iron is rarely present in iron ore, and sometimes a small amount of metallic iron is mixed during the processing of the sample, and the metallic iron needs to be measured. Copper sulfate (or mercuric chloride, ferric chloride) to become a solution of the metal iron into the solution and the ferrous (Fe + Cu2 + → Fe2 ++ Cu), filtered and after addition Alcan copper sheet with potassium dichromate The volumetric method is used to determine iron. 1. Reagent copper sulfate solution 10% Dissolve 100 g of anhydrous copper-free anhydrous copper sulfate (or CuSO4•5H2O160 g) in 1000 ml of water. If it is not certain whether the copper sulphate is neutral and contains no iron, the copper sulphate should be dissolved in 900 ml of water, and then basic copper carbonate 3CuCO3 胲 3Cu(OH) 2 胲 H 2 O (4 g of copper in 20 ml of water) should be added continuously. Stir and place for clarification. Filter with a dense filter paper and dilute to 1000 ml with water. 2. Analysis step Weigh 1 gram of sample, place it in a 250 ml cone bottle, add 20 ml of copper sulfate solution, 40 ml of water, and heat to boil for 15 to 20 minutes. After a little cold, filter with a qualitative filter paper, the filtrate is taken up in a 250 ml cone, and the cone and filter paper are washed 4 to 5 times each time, and the filtrate volume does not exceed 100 ml. Add 15 ml of 1:4 sulfuric acid, put a few pieces of pure aluminum (about 0.5 to 1 g), and heat to precipitate all the copper on the aluminum sheet. Cool rapidly in a water bath, filter, and wash with cold water several times. Add 2 drops of sodium diphenylamine sulfonate indicator and titrate with potassium dichromate standard solution until the solution is blue-violet. If the content of metallic iron is very low, iron is determined by a sulfosalicylic acid colorimetric method. Truck Parts ,Exhaust Manifold For Auto,Exhaust Manifold ,Cnc Machined Part Ningbo CCMS Industrial Co. Ltd ,