July 15 Dalian Steel Market Price Quotes

Product Name Specification Material Steel Factory/Origin Price (Yuan/Ton) Yesterday Last Week Last Month General Line Φ6.5mm Q235 Tong Steel 5900 0 0 -20 High Line Φ6.5-10mm Q235 Tong Steel 5950 0 0 0 High Line Φ6.5-10mm Q235 New Fushun Steel 5950 0 0 0 High Line Φ6.5-10mm Q235 West Steel 5950 0 0 0 High Line Φ 8/10mm Q235 Beitai 5950 0 0 0 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Beitai 5580 0 -20 30 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB335 Xilin 5580 0 -20 30 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Beitai 5450 0 0 0 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Tongsteel 5450 0 0 0 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Linggang 5450 0 0 0 Rebar Φ16 -25mm HRB335 New Fushun Steel 5450 0 0 0 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 West Steel 5450 0 0 0 Rebar Φ28-32mm HRB335 Tongsteel 5570 0 0 40 Rebar Φ28-32mm HRB335 Linggang 5570 0 0 40 Rebar Φ28- 32mm HRB335 New Fushun Steel 5570 0 0 40 Rebar Φ28-32mm HRB335 West Steel 5570 0 0 40 Rebar Φ8-10mm HRB400 New Fused Steel 6550 0 0 180 Rebar Φ12-14mm HRB400 Tong Steel 5850 0 0 -30 Rebar Φ16 -25mm HRB400 Tongsteel 5850 0 0 -30 Hot rolled coil 2.0*1250*C Q235 Angang 6470 0 0 40 Hot rolled coil 2.3*1250*C Q235 Angang 6370 0 0 40 Hot rolled coil 2.75*1 250*C Q235 Angang 6270 0 0 20 Hot rolled coil 3.0*1250*C Q235 Angang 6230 0 0 30 Hot rolled coil 4.0*1250*C Q235 Angang 6080 0 0 30 Hot rolled coil 4.75*1250*C Q235 Angang 6080 0 0 30 Hot rolled coil 5.5*1250*C Q235 Angang 6080 0 0 30 Cold rolled sheet 1.0*1000*2000mm Q195 Bengang 7400 0 0 -50 Cold rolled sheet 1.5*1250*2500mm Q195 Bengang 7300 0 0 -50 Cold rolled sheet 2.0*1250*2500mm Q195 Angang 7300 0 0 -50 Cold rolled plate 3.0*1250*2500mm Q195 Angang 7600 0 0 -50 Putong plate 8mm Q235 Sky steel 7200 0 0 0 Puzhong plate 8mm Q235 Jinan steel 7200 0 0 0 Medium plate 10mm Q235 Skysteel 6700 0 0 -20 Medium plate 10mm Q235 Angang 6700 0 0 -20 Puzhong plate 14-20mm Q235 Jigang 6480 0 0 -20 Puzhong plate 14-20mm Q235 Tanggang 6480 0 0 -20 Low alloy sheet 14-20mm Q345 Jigang 6680 0 0 -20 Galvanized coil 0.5mm*1000*C SGCC Hengtong 8050 0 0 0 Galvanized coil 1.5mm*1000*C SGCC Benxi steel 7900 0 0 0 Galvanized coil 1.0mm *1000*C ST02Z Benxi Steel 7900 0 0 0 Channel 16# Q235 Acheng 5450 0 0 -50 Channel 8# Q235 Tongsteel 5680 0 0 0 Angle Steel 40*4m Q235 Tong Steel 5800 0 0 0 Angle Steel 50*5mm Q235 Tong Steel 5630 0 0 0 Angle Steel 100*10mm Q235 Steel 5690 0 0 0

Loader Bucket Teeth

The Loader Bucket teeth are fixed on the loader bucket. The fixed forms are bolt type, welding type and pin type. The bucket teeth are sharp and firm, which can effectively improve the working efficiency of the loader

What is the material of the loader shovel?

Belongs to two wear-resistant steel, manganese steel... The bottom of the bucket is first-class steel.

The actual working conditions of the shovel teeth are very bad, which not only suffer from wear but also bear a certain impact load when contacting materials. According to the working conditions and performance requirements of the shovel tooth, a group of optimal composition ratio and optimal heat treatment process were found through heat treatment of experimental steel with different components and related testing and theoretical analysis. The shovel-tooth parts produced by using the experimental steel have good comprehensive mechanical properties, that is, the tip part has good wear resistance and toughness, and the shank part has high toughness and wear resistance. The results show that with the increase of carbon content, the hardness of the steel increases gradually, while the impact toughness decreases obviously.

Liugong Loader Bucket Teeth,Sdlg Loader Bucket Teeth,Sem Loader Bucket Teeth,Xcmg Loader Bucket Teeth

Henan Hanfeng Construction Machinery Co., LTD , https://www.hf-loaderparts.com