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May global LED bulb price reduction slows
In China's LED packaging, the price of 2835 and 5630 for medium and small power remained stable in May, while the price of high-power 3030 products declined. The main reason was that the market demand increased significantly, the number of manufacturers entered, and the price decline in the previous period was relatively slow. In May, the average retail price of LED bulbs replacing 40W incandescent lamps in the world decreased by 1.6% to US$9.6; the average retail price of LED bulbs replacing 60W incandescent lamps decreased by 1.4% to US$12.9; analyst Yu Bin said that entering the second quarter The LED industry showed signs of recovery, wafer prices stopped falling, and some manufacturers' chip prices even increased, and LED bulb terminal prices slowed down. In China's LED packaging, the price of 2835 and 5630 for medium and small power remained stable in May, while the price of high-power 3030 products declined. The main reason was that the market demand increased significantly, the number of manufacturers entered, and the price decline in the previous period was relatively slow. The price of wafers stopped falling, and the price of LED packaging in China remained stable. In early May, Taiwanese Ceramics (2448-TW) announced that it would raise prices for some of the chips sold. Although Chinese manufacturers did not follow up, they will not do it for at least a short time. Price reduction processing. Yu Bin pointed out that the price of LED packaging in May also showed a downward trend. Except for 3030, the price of 2835 products with the largest market consumption remained unchanged, and the 5630 products were also the same. The global LED bulbs have slowed down, and only a few products have fallen sharply. Instead of 40W, the European and American regions continue to fall in price, but the decline is reduced, but the US price declines the most, at 3.6%. Some products continue to be promoted, such as CREE6W450lm bulb lamp, the price of 4 packs is 18.95 US dollars, a drop of nearly 10%, and the price of some Philips products also fell. Prices in the UK fell by 2.7%, and some products changed significantly due to promotional prices, such as the OSRAM 6W470lm bulb, which fell to $4.99, a drop of 17%. The German price fell slightly by 1.4%. Due to the May 1 promotion, prices in China fell by 2.9%, while prices in other parts of Asia remained stable. In place of the 60W part, the US price cut was 1.9%, and the rate of slowdown slowed down. The price of most products is stable, and the small part is due to the promotion activities, the price drop is relatively large, such as the singular lighting 13W800lm bulb, the price dropped to 21.8 US dollars, a drop of 15%. UK prices fell only 0.5% in May after falling 2.8% in April. Germany's price in May fell slightly by 0.8%, and prices of most products in Europe remained stable. After China's price cut of 6.3% in April, the decline in May slowed down significantly, at 0.7%, and prices in other parts of Asia remained stable.