Mohs hardness method and its practical significance?

Among the various hardness measurement methods, the simplest is the Mohs hardness method. This is an easy way to measure the relative hardness of rock without using instruments or meters. It is a characterization of the mutual characterization between different minerals in order to determine the difference in hardness between each other. This method divides all kinds of minerals into 10 hardness grades from 1-10. Each level is divided into one degree. The lower the degree, the smaller the hardness. 1 degree is the softest and 10 degrees is the hardest. Each use of a standard mineral represented by, from 1 to 10 degrees followed by talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite, apatite, feldspar, quartz, topaz, corundum, diamond. The specific method of this method is to set up a mineral that can be scratched on the surface of calcite minerals with a Mohs hardness of 3 degrees, but can not be scratched on the surface of apatite minerals with a Mohs hardness of 5 degrees. , it is determined that the mineral has a Mohs hardness of 4. By analogy, the Mohs hardness of some minerals can be determined without instruments or meters. This method is commonly used by field geologists because of its simplicity and speed. However, since it cannot directly provide the specific hardness values ​​of minerals and rocks, it has no practical significance for drilling engineering.

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