The battery is an important part of the car. It has the mission of powering the engine's ignition system and other electrical equipment when the engine is starting or running at low speed. When the engine is running at high speed, the battery stores excess power. Therefore, proper maintenance of the battery is also an important part of car maintenance. On the 6th, senior automotive engineer Mr. Jiang gave a professional opinion on the daily maintenance of the battery. Battery is electrochemical equipment "At present, most automotive batteries are lead-acid batteries, which are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy." According to Jiang engineers, lead-acid batteries consist of positive and negative plates, separators, shells, and electrolysis. The liquid and the wiring pile head are composed of the same, and the chemical reaction of the discharge is performed by the active material of the positive electrode plate and the active material of the negative electrode plate under the action of the electrolyte. It is understood that each car power supply has a positive and negative column, the positive column is engraved with a "+" sign, which is dark brown, and the negative column is engraved with a "-" sign, which is light gray. A standard 12V lead-acid battery should contain six units, each generating approximately 2V of electrical energy. With the advancement of technology and the reduction of cost, automobile manufacturers mainly use a maintenance-free battery, which is consistent with the design principle and the use of thicker plate materials. But the important difference is that the grid of his plates is made of lead-calcium alloy. In the electrolysis reaction process, the overcharge current can be reduced, the liquid vaporization speed can be reduced, thereby reducing the electrolyte loss and prolonging the service life of the battery. Frequent short-distance driving damages battery life In order to ensure the service life of the battery, Jiang engineer suggested: “The start time should not exceed 5 seconds each time the car is started. If the start fails, the battery and the starter should be rested for more than 10 seconds and then restarted. If the car is always open. Stopping and stopping may cause the battery to be undercharged for a long time, which will seriously shorten the service life of the battery.†Jiang engineer said that the battery can be fully charged by running at a speed of more than 80 kilometers per hour for 30 minutes or so. . According to Jiang engineers, the service life of vehicle battery is generally 4 years. If it exceeds the limit, it should be replaced in time to avoid affecting the use. Before leaving the car, you should turn off the lights, radios and other appliances in order to maintain the power. If the car is not used for a long time, the car should be fully charged first, then the car will be started once every other month or so, and run at a medium speed for about 20 minutes. Otherwise, the placement time is too long and the vehicle will be difficult to start. Cast Steel Gate Valve,Valve Casting,Cast Iron Ball Valve,Cast Iron Foot Valve Zhejiang Sailing Steel Industry Co.,Ltd. ,
More than 4 years of battery should be replaced in time
More than 4 years of battery should be replaced in time