New mobile stage car features

While the integration process between urban and rural areas in our country is accelerating, the residents of township and township have also made great leaps in their pursuit of spiritual and cultural life. We all know that the mobile stage car is a special type of car that is more convenient for moving performances, special for stage props, and more quickly moving than a stage car. The new mobile stage car is more professional than the previous mobile stage car design. It maximizes the net height of the stage platform and stage, the roof carrying capacity is strong, the lighthouse and the set of suspenders, the professional stage technology design. And it is safer to operate, because the new mobile stage car took the lead in the use of vertical guides. And set up hydraulic legs, so that the ceiling to lift safe and smooth, stable and flat bed and stage, more professional wind resistance.


In addition, the maintenance and maintenance of the new mobile stage car is economical and uses hydraulic control technology. It is not only easy to use, but also requires only one driver and theater lighting sound engineer to save time and solve the problem. cost. The new mobile stage vehicle uses a durable vehicle and a full set of mechanical operating structures, and is designed and manufactured in accordance with professional standards. It can adapt to harsh environments and high-intensity and intensive use.

In addition, the mobile stage car is divided into several categories. The fully-automated anti-single-stage mobile stage vehicle and the fully automatic two-stage exhibition mobile stage car and the fully automatic three-stage mobile stage car. Among them, the fully automatic single-stage mobile stage car is one-sided fully automatic development of the car, the formation of stage countertops, the roof half-turned, can be installed led billboards, the side of the car and the car together form a stage background. The fully automatic two-stage stage car is a two-side view of the carriage and forms the entire stage countertop together with the carriage, and the roof is raised. Fully-automated three-exhibition mobile five-vehicle vehicle is a three-sided vehicle that forms an entire stage countertop together with the carriages. It fully utilizes the side panels of the carriages and expands the stage countertops. The several characteristics of the new mobile stage car make its market prospects better and better. And I believe that with the continuous development of the social economy, the design of the mobile stage car will be more humane, and it will become very common in the future.

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