A Basic principle The total reaction of molybdenum oxidized roasting is: Main Process and Characteristics of Molybdenum Oxide Roasting Process name Product contains sulfur /% 1t molybdenum standard coal consumption / kg 铼 volatilization rate /% Smoke rate /% Flue gas SO 2 concentration /% Recovery rate /% other Multi-hearth furnace roasting ≤ 0.1 70~90 40~60 10~20 0.8~3 About 99 Bed energy rate (calculated as molybdenum) 100kg / ( m 2 · d ) is currently the most important industrial method, the product is suitable for both steelmaking and wet processing to prepare molybdenum chemical products or molybdenum Fluidized furnace roasting 2.0~2.5 (mainly SO 4 2- ) 0 About 90 About 40% 3~5 >98 Bed energy rate (calculated as molybdenum) 100kg / ( m 2 · d ), industrial production scale, the product is mainly used in wet chemical products Rotary kiln ≤ 0.1 400~500     0.5~4 About 98 For industrial production, life expectancy is about 3~4 months Reverberatory furnace roasting ≤ 0.1 2000~2200 Can't recycle   <1 94~97 For the ancient method, it is still used in China. Lime sintering     98 is recovered by Ca ( ReO 4 ) 2     97~98 Small-scale production, processing mines containing high Flash roasting After wet treatment , <0.01       5~10   High temperature volatile products contain MoO 3 98%~99.9% , no industrial production reports Glass fiber winding yarn is mainly used as electrical insulation material, industrial filtration material, anti-corrosion, moisture-proof, heat insulation, sound insulation, shock absorption material. It can also be used as a reinforcing material to make reinforced plastics (see color picture) or reinforced rubber, reinforced plaster and reinforced cement products. Our company mainly includes Direct yarn, Winding yarn, Jet spun yarn, Sheet yarn, Thermoplastic yarn, Molded yarn, Alkali free cloth, Short cut felt, Felt making yarn, reasonable price, after sale worry! Winding Yarn,Skein Winding,Winding Wool,Wind Up Yarn Jiangyin Thousands Chemicals Co. , https://www.wqhxcomposite.com Reaction is a strong exothermic process
ΔH 298 = 1063kJ/mol
Since many compounds such as MoO 2 and Mo 2 S 3 are present in the Mo-SO system, the reaction is very complicated, and different reactions may occur under different conditions. Please refer to the relevant textbooks.
B Industrial Practice
The main processes and characteristics of molybdenum oxidized roasting are shown in the table: