Pollutant emission coefficient of non-ferrous metal industrial products

(Unit: tons)

Product ( process )

Tons of product pollutant emission factor

Copper ore mining

Waste rock: 2 tons of underground mines , 6-8 tons of open pit mines .

Copper beneficiation

Waste water: 20 tons of re-election and 5 tons of flotation .  
Waste residue: 0.94 tons of tailings

Lead mining

Waste stone: 2 tons

Lead dressing

Waste water: 6 tons, containing cadmium 0.9-1.5 mg / liter.  
Waste residue: 0.92 tons of tailings .

Zinc mining

Waste liquid: 2 tons.

Nickel mining

Waste stone: 2 tons

Nickel dressing

Waste water: 5-7 tons for one flotation and 4-5 tons for secondary flotation .  
Waste residue: 3 tons of secondary flotation, 50 kg of secondary flotation

  Copper concentrate boiling furnace melting ( raw material )

Exhaust gas: 2000-5000 standard meters 3 , SO 2 7%-14% , dust 20-70 g / standard meter 3 .

Copper reverberatory furnace melting ( raw material )

Exhaust gas: 2500-3000 standard meters 3 , containing SO 2 4.5% , dust 3.8-7.6 g / standard meter 3 .  
Waste water: 20 tons.
Waste residue: 0.65-0.80 tons, containing 0.3%-0.5% copper , 0.5-0.6 g / ton gold , 5-6 g / ton silver

Copper converter blowing

Exhaust gas: 2400 standard meters 3 , containing SO 2 6% , SO 2 0.5%  
Dust 3-10 g / standard meter 3
Waste residue : 0.8 tons (depending on the grade of copper).

Copper electrolysis

Waste water: 1 ton, copper 50-70 mg / liter, sulfuric acid 100 mg / liter

  Lead ore powder sintering ( raw material )

Waste water: 2145 standard meters 3 , SO 2 1.5%, dust 10 g / standard meter 3 or 20 kg.

  Lead blast furnace smelting ( raw material )

Wastewater: 1200 Nm 3, SO 2 5%, 21-31 g dust / Nm 3 or 33-35 kg.  
80-100 tons of waste water, containing 0.64 mg of arsenic, lead 0.3 mg / l, zinc 1.3 mg / L, arsenic waste dust 3 mg / l, Pb 22 mg / l.
Waste residue: 0.37 tons, containing 2.9%-6.7% lead .

Zinc sintering ( raw material )

Exhaust gas: 3000 standard meters 3 , dust 19 kg, SO 2 130 kg or concentration 1.6% (depending on the sulfur content of the ore powder), some up to 8%-9% .

  Zinc distillation

Waste water: 80-100 tons, containing distillation residue 38 mg / liter, arsenic 0.01-0.02 mg / liter, zinc 2 mg / liter.  
Waste residue: 0.43 tons

Nickel sintering ( raw material )

Exhaust gas: 2000-3000 standard meters 3 , SO 2 concentration 5%-8%, dust 7-10 g / standard meter 3 or 20 kg.

Nickel blast furnace smelting (raw material)

Exhaust gas: 2000-3000 standard meters 3 , dust concentration 30-50 g / standard meter 3 , or 150-200 kg.  
Waste water: 80-100 grams.
Waste residue: 0.3 tons

Nickel reverberatory furnace sulphide smelting ( raw material )

Exhaust gas: 2000-3000 standard meters 3 , SO 2 concentration 0.5%-1.0% , dust 20 kg.  
Waste residue: 0.3 tons

Copper-nickel mine electric furnace melting ( raw material )

Exhaust gas: flue gas 1100-1800 standard m 3 , sulfur dioxide 0.1%-0.3% ; flue gas dust: 100% lump ore 0.35-0.5 g / standard m 3 , 100% sintered block 0.6-1.8 g / standard m 3 , 80 % lump ore + 20% ungranulated concentrate 1.8-3.0 g / standard m 3 , 70% lump ore + 30% roasting pellets placed 0.6-1.1 g of standard rice 3 . The soot rate is generally 0.05%-0.4% of the material .  
Waste residue: 1-1 . 2 tons, density 2.7-2.9 tons / m 3

  Nickel electrolysis

Exhaust gas: chlorine gas 60-70 kg, concentration 10-28 / standard meter 3 .  
Wastewater: 60-100 tons, nickel 150 mg / l, cobalt 1-2 mg / l, chloride 2500 mg / L, sulphate 1000 mg / L, PH value 3-4.

  Aluminum Electrolytic

Exhaust gas: 800 standard meters 3 , of which HF19 standard meter 3 , SO 2 2.8-5.4 standard meter 3 , CO 2 510 standard meter 3 . HF17 kg by mass , CO330 kg, SO 2 7.9-15.5 kg , CO 2 1000 kg , CH 4 2 kg , 6-8 kg of dust in the dust .  
Waste water: 200 tons of dust removal water , fluorine concentration 70 mg / liter.
Waste residue: 2-3 tons.

  Mercury smelting furnace (raw material)

Exhaust gas: 1200-1800 standard meters 3 , containing mercury 20-50 mg / standard meter 3 .  
Waste residue: 500-700 tons, containing mercury 0.002-0.005%.

  Boiling furnace for smelting mercury ( raw material )

Exhaust gas: 600-800 standard meters 3 , containing mercury 25-1200 mg / liter.  
Waste residue: 500-700 tons, containing mercury 0.002-0.005%.

Heavy, flotation mercury smelting process (smelting raw materials)

Waste water: 20-35 tons.  
Waste residue: 6-13 tons, containing mercury 0.05%-0.1%.

Heavy and flotation steam distillation method for refining mercury (concentrate raw materials)

Exhaust gas: 300-500 standard meters 3 , containing mercury 3-20 mg / standard meter 3 .  
Waste water: 2-4 tons.
Waste residue: 3-12 tons, containing 0.004-0.01% mercury


Waste: 1.0-1.8 tons of red mud, the density of 2.7 to 2.9 t / m 3, the bulk density of 0.8-1.0 t / m3

Uranium mining

Exhaust gas: main oxygen and its decaying bodies, radioactive dust. 1 ton of uranium radium ratio unspoiled, ore grade of 0.1%, to produce 2.642 × 10 -2 Bq / sec radon. According to the Canadian uranium experience Sigmund season, 1500 tons daily amount of mining mines, exhaust emissions 6000 m 3 per minute  
Waste water: 2,700 tons (the difference between different mines is very large, the amount of uranium mine wastewater in arid areas is small), containing strontium, uranium and decaying daughters, containing radium 3.7 × 104 bq / m 3 .
200 tons of waste residue (the amount of solid waste produced in each uranium mine varies greatly) contains about 1.48 × 10 13 lbs of radium (that is, about 400 Curie of radium).

Uranium ore smelting (ore)

Wastewater: Alkaline Leaching 0.4-1.8 tons, average 1.2k tons, Acid leaching 2.5-5.5 tons, an average of 4 tons of waste. The waste liquid contains radioactive materials such as uranium, thorium and thorium , as well as arsenic and lead. Other wastewater is 0.2-0.3 tons.  
Waste residue: equivalent to the original ore, it can be 0.97-0.99 tons.

  Uranium refining

Waste water: extract 3 . 78 tons of weak radioactive materials such as uranium 238 and decay products 钍 234 .  
Waste residue: precipitated sludge and magnesium fluoride residue, etc., containing a small amount of uranium.

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