The wide base and high performance of heavy-duty tires has become an important way for tire technology advancement. At the high-level forum for high-performance wide-base tire technology promotion held last week by the National Tire Rim Standardization Technical Committee, the participating experts proposed to promote the use of wide-base low-profile tubeless radial tires in China to replace twins of trucks. It can reduce the quality of automobiles, achieve fuel savings, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, reduce costs, and become more secure and reliable. Radiator Hose,Radiator Hose Pipes,Car Radiator Coolant Hose,Radiator Coolant Hose Xingtai City Xinyuan Sitong Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. ,
According to Director Wen Yingmin of the Department of Policy and Regulation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the main reason for the deterioration of air quality in most cities in China is the increase in exhaust emissions from motor vehicles. He pointed out that although the amount of heavy-duty vehicles only accounts for 5% of the total number of motor vehicles, their emissions of nitrogen oxides and PM10 respectively account for 74% and 85% of the total vehicle emissions.
He Xiaomei, chief engineer of the Beijing Rubber Industry Research and Design Institute and director of the National Wheel Rim Standardization Technical Committee, said that the first method of car emission reduction is the adoption of new energy vehicle technology, and the other is the lightweight technology of automobiles, which is closely related to tires. The car will emit 2.25 kilograms of carbon dioxide for each liter of gasoline consumed. A revolution in the automobile industry, which reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions, directly led to the demand for low rolling resistance of tires. The wide basement and high performance of heavy-duty tires have thus become an important approach to the advancement of tire technology.
It is understood that a wide-base tire can replace the two combined tires currently used in trucks, which can reduce the weight of the vehicle. A group of tractor heads and trailers can reduce the weight by as much as 400 kg; it can reduce tire rolling resistance, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and save Fuel 6% to 10%; Reduced material consumption, such as can reduce more than 2 kilograms of inner tube butyl rubber material; Reduce tire heat, high-speed, long-distance running shows outstanding advantages; High tire pressure retention, Helps improve driving safety.
At present, wide-base tires have been successfully applied in Europe and the United States, accounting for 22% of the European truck tire replacement market, and their market share in the United States is also increasing. However, Chinese wide-base tires are rarely used, and only 10 companies can produce them. The annual output is about 40,000, and they are basically used for export. The delegates believe that the domestic production of wide-base tires is no longer a problem, but it requires the close cooperation of the automobile manufacturing sector. Automobile production enterprises should attach importance to the transformation of the chassis of large trucks and actively promote the support of wide-base tires. At the same time, tire companies should speed up the pace of product structure adjustment.