Qilu Research Institute Simulated Cracker Successfully Reformed Water Saving

Qilu Petrochemical Research Institute of Chemical Industry Institute of Chemical Steam Cracking pilot plant cooling water system has been completed recently, the performance of the modified device is optimized, while saving a lot of fresh water. It is estimated that this system will reduce the annual discharge of 6000 cubic meters of fresh water.

The simulated cracking pilot plant before the transformation requires a large amount of fresh tap water. After passing through the cooling water system, these waters are directly discharged, causing great waste of water resources. With the aim of optimizing the device and saving energy and reducing consumption, the staff of this institute made concerted efforts to customize a set of circulating cooling water system for the device through technical research. After the system is put into use, the temperature of the circulating cooling water is maintained at a constant value. It is conducive to the smooth operation of the device and saves water and reduces emissions.

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