The statins we know are almost all from commercial interests. Therefore, our understanding of its hazards and benefits is nothing more than the information that pharmaceutical companies have designed and optimized in order to create maximum profits for shareholders. Statins are recommended because they have the ability to lower cholesterol but they are also equipped with side effects. But in order to improve people’s health, statins with lower risks are being used by millions of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Extruded Graphite is a type of isostatic pressure graphite, which is currently produced by the extrusion molding method commonly used in most carbon and graphite products. Graphite Block,Carbon Graphite,Extruded Graphite Block,Applications For Molded Graphite CARBONS TECH&CREATION(HENAN) INDUSTRY CO.,LTD ,
Statin manufacturers have funded 27 clinical trials on statins. The serious consequence of this is that millions or even more people in the United States and the United Kingdom are using statins but they only get third-hand information. Manufacturers will not release data to any organization other than CTT, and CTT will not release data to anyone else. Therefore, we can only accept data interpretation from CTT - this is obviously not good. Because the population used in the study can only represent a small number of people, there is also no strong evidence that statin drugs have no side effects. An article in the British Medical Journal shows that statins research focuses on cardiovascular outcomes rather than overall health, so patients with cardiovascular disease treated with statins will still have Less than 20% risk cardiovascular disease.
If the goal of this effort is to make people healthier, we need more relevant clinical trials. In the meantime, we have a responsibility to refocus our attention on lifestyle changes and discussions on cardiovascular disease prevention.