The concept and main types of collectors

The collector is an organic substance that acts on the surface of the mineral. It can form a hydrophobic film on the surface of the target mineral, reduce the wettability of the surface of the mineral and improve the floatability, and facilitate the collection of the particles and bubbles. )effect.
The polar agent of the collector is determined by the action of the agent and the mineral. According to the polar group acting on the surface of the mineral, the collector can be further divided into: a thio compound collector, a hydrocarbon acid collector, Amines and oil collectors.
Commonly used collectors for sulfide minerals are thiolated whole collectors, oxidized minerals are commonly used for hydrocarbon acid collection, silicate minerals are commonly used for amine collectors, and non-polar minerals are hydrocarbon oil collectors. .
The heteropolar capture consists of a polar group (philophilic group) and a non-polar group (hydrophobic group), and the neutral hydrocarbon collector has no polar group.

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