The first batch of 40 dragon coaches successfully entered the Yemeni market

The first batch of 40 dragon coaches successfully entered the Yemeni market

On July 24, 2014, the handover ceremony for the first batch of three Jinlong passenger cars exported by Xiamen Jinlong United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd. to RAHA, the largest transportation company in Yemen, was held in Sana'a. Hu Yaowu, a business counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Yemen, and some diplomats, RAHA Transport, Jinlong United Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., and nearly a hundred business people and media reporters attended the handover ceremony.

The first batch of Jinlong passenger trains successfully entered the Yemeni market

This is the Mayor Xiamen Kinglong Wagon Co., Ltd. to export 20 small buses to Yemen in May 2004. After the presidential team car, Jinlong Bus entered the Yemen market for the first time.

The Yemeni RAHA Transport Company hopes to import Jinlong buses, on the one hand to expand inter-provincial inter-provincial passenger transport in Yemen, and at the same time to win more land-based Muslim tourists to the Hajj. The RAHA Transport Company imported the first three buses from China and hopes to import more than ten vehicles in the year. Jinlong Company stated that it must provide quality after-sales services and expand its export share in Yemen.

The number of Jinlong buses that were exported to Yemen was 40, which was safe, comfortable, beautiful, and once passed the acceptance of relevant departments in Yemen, and obtained the operating license issued by the Yemeni Transport Bureau.

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