The environmental calibration team formed by both Shangchai and Futian successfully completed the calibration test of the Qinghai Plateau and returned to Shanghai. For the SC9DF340Q4 diesel engine co-developed by Shangchai and Futian, the BJ4253 tractor that complies with the national IV standard, and seven medium- and heavy-duty vehicles such as Fukang Power, Xikang Power and Leiwo Power participated in the test. The environmental calibration and test team consisting of 25 staff of Fuchao's employees and Futian's verification center testers, test engineers, and professional engineers overcame the harsh working environment and altitude sickness, and the high temperature environment of 39 degrees in late July and minus 2 in late August. The plateau environment with an altitude of 4767 meters was calibrated and tested ahead of other calibrated test vehicles on the premise of quality assurance. All calibration test work was completed in advance and was verified and approved by all test engineers and the experimental verification team of Futian Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Center. . By ceaseless studies and R&D investment since establishment, HYAC has acquired many essential source technologies. Recognized by global top automotive customers as strategical partners, HYAC is currently accelerating innovation and development.By many essential source technologies for automotive actuators and lots of NPI experience and knowhow with global top customers, HYAC keeps developing new products and opening new market such as charge port door actuators for electric cars. Cpd Actuator,Car Electric Actuators,Car Power Charging Port Cover Actuator,Car Charger Cover Actuator Haoyong Automotive Controls ,