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This talent makes the actuator a tool for high-precision positioning and is equipped with cutting-edge instruments such as scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Through these "eye-shadows", you can see atoms, including tiny boron and carbon atoms. It can be said that piezoelectric materials have become the "smart muscles" for human exploration of the microcosm. Even so, as described above, achieving ultra-high accuracy at the subatomic scale remains a challenge. Ultra-thin piezoelectric materials are expected to play a role in solving this problem: With atomic-scale piezoelectric materials, sub-atomic resolution positioning and driving are achieved.
Recently, a team of researchers from the Suzhou Institute of Nanotechnology and Nano-Bionics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences teamed up with Liu Zheng, a professor from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He also teamed up with Nanjing University, the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing of the Singapore Science and Technology Bureau, and Duke University. , made new progress in this area. The research team prepared a high-quality cadmium sulfide (CdS) ultra-thin nanosheet film (with a thickness of 2-3 nm, with a thickness of 3-5 lattices) by chemical vapor deposition. The in-situ characterization technique of scanning probe microscopy was used to characterize and systematically characterize the piezoelectric properties of cadmium sulfide ultra-thin nanosheets in the vertical direction. It was found that the ultra-thin cadmium sulfide nanoplates have three times the bulk phase in the vertical direction. The huge piezoelectric constant (~33pm/V), and theoretical simulations well verified this conclusion. These results lay the foundation for important theoretical and experimental foundations for the construction of ultra-high-precision actuators and new highly sensitive pressure, displacement and strain sensors.
To a certain extent, the accuracy of the instrument determines the limits of human perception of the physical world, in which high-precision piezoelectric materials are indispensable. In order to get a glimpse of the atom, it is necessary to use piezoelectric materials to move the probe at subatomic accuracy. To verify the inverse square relationship of gravitation at a small scale, it is necessary to accurately position and sense the experimental part; even to “listen to†the black hole, the combined moments are released. Rebounding the gravitational waves of the universe requires the assembly and driving of countless components to eliminate the slightest mechanical misalignment. All this, piezoelectric materials contributed. In the short term, high-performance ultra-thin piezoelectric materials are of great benefit for the manufacture of high-precision sensors and advanced electromechanical components, including reduced size, increased integration, and transformation into flexible electronic devices. In the long run, ultrathin piezoelectric materials can even change human perception of the world.
Related research results have been published in Science Advances, 2016, 2, e1600209.
(Original title: Scientists Prepare Ultrathin Nanomaterials Expected to Implement Ultra-High-Accuracy Actuators and Sensors)
Ultra-thin nanomaterials promise to make ultra-high-precision actuators and sensors true
[China Instrument Network Instrument Development] The atom is the limit of the material that humans can currently "operate." Relying on human incomparable insights and skillful craftsmanship, not only can a single atom be seen electronically, it can even manipulate a single atom, and its operation accuracy has reached less than 1 nanometer. Even so, it is far from reaching the stage of “flexible†control, not to mention the “atomized†assembly atoms. The precise positioning and driving relies on an Actuator, and one of the most important cores of the actuator is a piezoelectric material. Simply put, this material has polarity and can be finely deformed by applying a voltage to achieve high-precision driving. In contrast, the material can be applied to sensors with high accuracy in strain, displacement, and positioning (Sensor). .