In the agricultural sector, with the development of science and technology, the types and quantities of agricultural instruments are also increasing. These agricultural instruments are further divided into soil instruments, seed instruments, plant physiological instruments, agricultural meteorological instruments, plant protection instruments, etc., depending on the application field. And we know that crops grow. Green plants synthesize organic matter through photosynthesis. The most important physiological activity is photosynthesis. Does the agricultural field have instruments that specifically measure plant photosynthesis? The answer is yes, it is the photosynthesis analyzer . When studying plant photosynthesis, you will encounter many similar terms, such as photosynthetic rate, photosynthetic efficiency, and light energy utilization. First, let's look at what they mean and how they are expressed. Photosynthetic rate: a commonly used indicator for photosynthesis, usually expressed in milligrams of carbon dioxide absorbed per square centimeter per hour of leaf area; photosynthetic efficiency refers to the energy contained in organic matter produced by photosynthesis of green plants, and absorption in photosynthesis The ratio of light energy, light intensity, temperature, moisture, mineral elements and carbon dioxide concentration can affect the photosynthetic efficiency per unit leaf area; light energy utilization refers to the energy contained in the organic matter accumulated by photosynthesis of plants, accounting for The ratio of daylight energy on the unit floor. According to the above introduction, photosynthesis of plants is closely related to carbon dioxide concentration and photosynthetically active radiation. Therefore, in order to determine plant photosynthesis, the indispensable function of photosynthesis instrument is to measure carbon dioxide concentration and photosynthetically active radiation. In addition, the instrument can also measure indicators related to plant photosynthesis, such as leaf temperature and leaf room temperature humidity. By measuring these indicators by instrument, the leaf photosynthetic rate, leaf transpiration rate, intercellular carbon dioxide concentration, stomatal conductance, water use efficiency, etc. can be calculated. The application of photosynthesis analyzers provides important technical support for plant physiology research related to plant photosynthesis. window screen,Aluminium Net For Windows,,Fiberglass Window Screen,Plastic Screens anping yaqi wire mesh co.,ltd ,