German testo 608-H1 temperature and humidity table latest offer

Germany Testo testo 608-H1 temperature and humidity table in the following six different quotes, quoted in Shanghai area is 300-499 yuan, quoted in Jiangsu area is 340-390 yuan, quoted in Guangdong area is 299-490 yuan, in The price quoted in Zhejiang is 365-499 yuan, which is quoted at 300-447 yuan in Beijing and 308-480 yuan in Shandong.

Product Name Brand Model Area Price (RMB Yuan/piece) Temperature and Humidity Table German Testo Testo 608-H1 Shanghai 300-499 Jiangsu 340-390 Guangdong 299-490 Zhejiang 365-499 Beijing 300-447 Shandong 308-480

Dew point calculation function and maximum/minimum display function The humidity sensor will not be damaged even when it is in contact with water for 18 s

Technical data:

Storage temperature -40.0...70.0   °C operating temperature 0.0...50.0   °C Battery Type 9V   Block battery   Battery life 8736.0   h Weight 168.0   g Specifications (LxWxH) 89.0   x   120.0   x   40.0    Mm

Aluminum Spacer Bar Bending Machine

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