Insufficient engine power

Second, the engine power is insufficient

1. Ingoing air blockage: Check the air filter, air intake, clean or replace the air filter element.

2. Exhaust back pressure is too high: Check valve timing, adjust if necessary; clean exhaust pipe.

3. Insufficient pressure in booster system: Check and eliminate loopholes in pipelines and connections.

4 , turbocharger work disorders: cleaning or replacement of the compressor shell, turbine shell.

5 , intercooler damage, air leakage: repair or replacement.

6. Oil leakage or blockage of fuel line: Check the sealing condition of the oil pipe and joint, the clogging of the fuel filter, and replace the rotary filter element. Check the spray control seal.

7 , injection pump plunger wear too much: check, replace

8 , sensor bad: check, replace

9 , pressurized compensation pipe damage leakage: replacement

10. Insufficient atomization of fuel injectors: Check fuel injection pressure, clean up carbon deposit, adjust and repair.

11 、Advance or late for fuel advance: check and adjust

12. Wrong phase of gas distribution: check and adjust valve timing and valve clearance

13 , piston ring wear is too large, fracture: change

14. Cylinder Head Leakage: Tighten the cylinder head bolt or replace the cylinder head gasket according to the specified torque.

15 , poor valve seal: grinding or worse re-grinding

16 , engine overheating coolant temperature is too high: Check and repair the radiator, thermostat, adjust the fan belt tension.

Centrifugal Screener

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