Luo Luo celebrates 40 years of entering the ship field

Rolls-Royce, the global power system company, held a ceremony at its Hydrodynamic Research Centre (HRC) in Kristinehamn, Sweden, to celebrate the company's 40-year history of ship development.

The Rolls-Royce Hydrodynamics Research and Development Center (HRC) is one of the world's leading ship development organizations dedicated to the development of marine propulsion systems including propeller and waterjet propulsion design and testing.

“The ship's propulsion system company, which owns a dedicated R&D center, is the only company that has its own R&D center. We are here with the help of this R&D center platform,” said Gulran Grounditz, manager of the Rolls-Royce Hydrodynamics R&D Center. At the forefront of ship technology research and development, and has made important contributions to the global shipbuilding industry to achieve efficiency and environmental protection."

“Through our research and development efforts, our propellers and waterjets power the world's most advanced vessels, including high-speed ferries, fast patrol boats, cruise ships and aircraft carriers.”

The Hydrodynamic Research and Development Center (HRC) has two computer-controlled test water holes filled with water to evaluate the performance of the ship's propulsion system. Test water tunnels can simulate a variety of marine environments, replicating different ocean temperatures, currents, and salinities.

Since 1971, the Hydrodynamics Research and Development Center (HRC) has evaluated more than 1,000 different propeller blade designs and conducted extensive testing on more than 300 complete propeller models. Engineers at the R&D center also produced a propeller scale model for water hole testing. They constantly adjust and refine the shape of the model to achieve the optimum design for a specific vessel and operating conditions.

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