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When the number of revolutions to be limited is integer n, the limit wheel is Z2, and Z2>Z1, Zd=Z2-Z1, so the rotation angle of Z2 is n360 when the movement is restricted, and the rotation angle of Z1 is n360 (360-2-1). Because the angle of rotation of the two gears is inversely proportional to the number of teeth, there are: 1 = 360-2-nZdZ1360 (1) and d = 360Zd / Z1, usually 1 = 2d, with: 1 = 720Zd / Z1. The calculation results of each parameter are as follows: Z1=180(n 2)Zd180-(2)Z2=Z1 Zd(3)2=2 2(4)R=m(Z1 Z2)4cos(5)2) When being restricted When the number is a non-integer (n / 360), it is divided into three categories: when 0<<180-2, the limit wheel is Z2, and Z2>Z1, Zd=Z2-Z1. The corner of Z2 is n360, the corner of Z1 is n360 (360-2-1), so: C1=n360, C2=2. There are: 1=360-C2C1ZdZ1(6)Z1=(720 C1)Zd360-C2(7 2=C2 2(8) The calculation formula of the gear tooth number Z2 is the same as (3), and the calculation formula of the bump mounting radius R is the same as (5).180-2<<360-2, when the limit wheel is Z1. The calculation method is the same as 1). 1=360-C2(9)2=C2 2C1ZdZ2(10)Z1=(720 C1-C2)ZdC2(11) The calculation formula of the gear tooth number Z2 is the same as (3), and the calculation formula of the bump mounting radius R is the same as (5) 360-2<<360 when the limit wheel is Z2. The calculation method is the same as 1.1=720-C1ZdZ1-C2(12)2=C2-360 2(13)Z1=(720 C1)Zd720-C2(14) The calculation formula of the gear tooth number Z2 is the same as (3), the bump installation The formula for calculating the radius R is the same as (5).
The results calculated by the above design process need to be judged according to the specific circumstances. If the values ​​of 1 and 2 are too small, the machining of the bumps will be difficult, so the recommended value is >10. If the diameter of the gear is too small, it will be difficult to fix the bumps on the gears. The recommended diameter of the gears is D>30mm. If the actual requirements are met, the value of Z1 or Zd should be taken again to calculate. In addition, for the case where the number of rotations of the limit is greater than 1 revolution, the condition that the first circle is not stuck should be satisfied. <(360-2)ZdZ2, where =f(K-Z1), f and K are standard coefficients, specifically The values ​​can be found in the relevant mechanical design manual.
Programming Object Gears with ObjectARX Technology ObjectARX is the abbreviation of AutoCAD Runtime Extension (AutoCAD RuntimeeXtension), which is a comprehensive interface (API) between AutoCAD and C. It is also a powerful class library based on AutoCAD program development. Applications developed in the ObjectARX environment are loaded as dynamic link libraries (DLLs) while AutoCAD is running. AutoCAD programming with ObjectARX has three major advantages. First, as an interface between AutoCAD and C, this technology enables developers to take full advantage of the power of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) for object-oriented programming. In particular, MFC's dialog class CDialog and Data Exchange (DDX) and Data Validation (DDV) technologies enable data transfer, checksum range checking between data members of various controls in the dialog box to be automatically completed by the Application Framework (ApplicationFramework). Enables developers to easily and efficiently design dialog-based AutoCAD applications with typical Windows style. Secondly, as a class library, ObjectARX can also use its own more than 220 classes and more than 3,000 member functions to develop programs flexibly and quickly. Finally, since the program generated by ObjectARX is a DLL (using ARX as a suffix), and the DLL is independent of its calling program code, when the content of the DLL changes, it is only necessary to compile the DLL file without having to call it. Its program is recompiled. The above three advantages make ObjectARX a powerful tool for secondary development of AutoCAD.
As can be seen from the above structure module, the development environment of the ObjectARX program is the development environment of C (DeveloperStudio), the difference is that in the development, not only the structure module of the ObjectARX program of C is used. Fig.3TheconstructsoftheObjectARXprocedure class library is also used. Go to the ObjectARX class library with the interface of AutoCAD2000, and finally generate the ARX dynamic link library that can run in AutoCAD2000 through the link of the linker.