New standards for gas boilers will be more stringent

Beijing will implement a more stringent new standard for the concentration of nitrogen oxides emitted from gas-fired boilers. The final emission concentration of gas boilers in use must be lower than 80 mg/m3, well below the current standard of 200 mg/m3. . It is reported that nitrogen oxides are another cause of smog generation. Although gas boilers can reduce the concentration of particulates in the atmosphere, the nitrogen oxides produced at high temperatures are also important causes of smog.

“All mistakenly believe that only respirable particles are the main culprit of smog. In fact, another cause, nitrogen oxides, cannot be ignored.” At the seminar, Professor Jia Li from Beijing Jiaotong University stated that the heating boilers in Beijing are large-scale. After completing the "coal to gas conversion", nitrogen oxides produced by a large number of gas-fired boilers should also be given sufficient attention. According to statistics, the total number of gas boilers in the city currently exceeds 10,000, and as the “coal to gas” project continues to advance, the number of gas boilers will still increase. "'Coal to gas' can effectively reduce coal burning and reduce the concentration of particulates in the atmosphere. However, nitrogen oxides are also an important cause of haze. The important conditions for its production are high temperatures." Jia Li proposed for heating and heating Gas boilers require high temperatures. In this way, the use of gas-fired boilers reduces SO2 emissions on the one hand, and on the other hand produces large amounts of nitrogen oxides. How can this problem be solved?

In this regard, Song Guangwu, deputy researcher of the Beijing Research Institute of the Central Academy of Sciences, revealed that the revision of Beijing Municipal Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standard, led by the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, has passed the final review and will be formally promulgated. In the new standard, the emission standards for nitrogen oxides in industrial boilers have been increased. It is proposed to be implemented in two phases: from the date of implementation to March 31, 2017, new emissions of nitrogen oxides must be lower than 80 mg/m3, and in use must be lower than 150 mg/m3; The stage is from April 1, 2017, the new boiler must be less than 30 mg/m3, and must be used at less than 80 mg/m3. It is reported that this indicator is close to the current average level in Europe, while the current standard is limited to 200 mg/m3, which is much more stringent than that.

“Now the emission concentration of nitrogen oxides in Beijing gas boilers is roughly between 120 mg/m3 and 200 mg/m3. If we are to meet the requirements of the environmental protection department within a time limit, it will bring challenges to the entire gas boiler market in Beijing. Jiang Limin, head of the city's energy conservation monitoring center, said.

Jiang Limin also pointed out that the center has developed a new environmental protection technology - low-nitrogen burners, and this new technology can reduce the nitrogen oxide emission concentration of gas boilers to below 30 mg/m3. Experts predict that with the implementation of the new Beijing Boiler Emission Standard, low-nitrogen burners will be deployed in the next 3-5 years to increase the cleanliness of emissions from a large number of district heating gas boilers.

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