Against the backdrop of the current flooding of GM crops, farmers are worried about buying GM seeds without permission because of agricultural production. Therefore, many farmers will ask agricultural technicians. “Is the corn seed I bought? Is it genetically modified?†In the past, to answer such questions from farmers, it would take a lot of time and money to be able to detect the seeds before they could get the answers. Now that we have genetically modified kits, we can start testing the genetically modified seeds ourselves. In the past, genetically modified seed testing was required. Under normal circumstances, it was necessary to contact a qualified testing organization. Although the detection accuracy was high, the testing cost was high, generally over 1,500 yuan. Moreover, due to the large workload of testing organizations, it was rarely accepted. Individual commissioned. This means that in the past, individuals had to know if the seeds they purchased were genetically modified seeds. This was actually not so easy and simple. However, with the large number of applications of genetically modified kits, it is completely safe for individuals to carry out genetically modified seed testing. The transgenic kit is a rapid detection tool, which is different from the traditional laboratory testing methods. The cost of the transgenic kit is low, and it is not limited by the scope of use. Therefore, the application of the genetic kit can effectively reduce the detection cost and expand the scope of monitoring. . The state is very cautious with regard to genetically modified seeds. Many commercial varieties of genetically modified crops are illegally planted. To ensure the safety of agricultural production, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the supervision of agricultural genetically modified seeds during the course of seed management. The seeds say "no". The rapid detection method of genetically modified kits is more in line with the practical needs of the modernization of agricultural transgenic seed safety supervision, and is conducive to seed management departments at all levels in accordance with the requirements of the best seed genetic testing, to prevent the production of non-genetically modified crops and seed production of genetically modified crops. Management, strictly investigate and punish the illegal production, processing, and sales of genetically modified seeds to prevent illegal transgenic seeds from entering the market and harm consumers.
Clothes Dryer:
Clothes Dryer, also known as drying racks, as people daily use of household items, has now become a lot of family necessities of life. It is not only an ornament, but also a functional product. At present, the "function" of the clothes drying rack has been widely recognized by consumers and has formed an "industry". After years of grinding, the quality of the industry has gradually stabilized. It is made of rust-proof coating steel and sturdy plastic joints, is durable and lightweight. It is easy to use and can be open and closed quickly. The two side wings can be lifted independently and can be adjusted in different heights and positions. It can be easily folded away for compact storage.
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